Sustainable Development Goals image

Summer Social

Saturday, July 22, 2023, 5 pm to 6:30 pm

Join us at a beautiful location in Strawberry Point, Mill Valley for wine and appetizers (mostly sustainable) and great dialogue. Meet interesting people in your community, and learn about the United Nations Associations

Past Event

UN Sustainable Development Goal #14
Life Below Water

YouTube Video

Sat., April 8, 2023
3 pm – 4:30 pm by Zoom

Point Blue Conservation Science Slide Deck, Jaime Jahncke
Deep Ocean Exploration Research, DOER, Liz Taylor
Paul Clarke and Ro Rigney Slide Deck, UNA Marin officers
Ella Clark, Model UN President, Tamalpais High School
Kim Weichel, Commision for the Status of Women, March 2023

Past Event:

Kickoff 2023

Annual Holiday Social – In person!

Sun., Dec. 11, 2022
4 pm – 5:30 pm
Strawberry Pt., Mill Valley

Join us on the waterfront of Strawberry Point in Mill Valley for wine, cheese, food and good cheer.

Past Event:

UN Day and
UN Sustainable Development Goal

#13 Climate Action

Sat., October 22, 2023

YouTube Video

Paul Clarke, UNA Marin Chapter president, presentation re UN Day Slides

Kimberly Weichel, Uncovering New Possiblities (links to her books), work with UN agencies, leadership with UNA chapters

Anne-Christine Strugnell, presentation for Resilient Neighborhoods, Volunteer Ambassador, free climate action workshops

Info on this Event

UN SDG #12 3D Cube

Past Event:
SDG #12 Responsible Consumption and Production
July 16, 2022

YouTube Video

Alisha McCutcheon, Compost Operations Manager,
Redwood Landfill, Waste Management, Novato, CA

Martin Wolf, Director, Sustainability & Authenticity,
Seventh Generation, Inc.

Bigger Picture Speaker

Martin WolfMartin Wolf – Director, Sustainability & Authenticity, Seventh Generation, Inc.

Mr. Wolf is responsible for creating frameworks for the design of sustainable products at Seventh Generation, Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of ecological household and personal care products. He is also responsible for creating frameworks for more sustainable systems of commerce, and for working with other businesses, industry associations, legislators and regulators to implement those frameworks.

Mr. Wolf brings over 40 years of experience in industrial and environmental chemistry to his work, starting with environmental fate and metabolism studies for agricultural chemicals, followed by studies of the occurrence of hazardous chemicals in the environment, conducting life cycle studies of product systems, and designing more sustainable household cleaning products.

Working at Seventh Generation, Mr. Wolf has developed frameworks for environmental product design, helped educate his coworkers, customers, and consumers about the environmental impacts of consumer products and the industries that produce them, successfully lobbied for passage of phosphate bans in a number of states, helped develop standards for voluntary ingredient disclosure, and brought change to the cleaning products industry through more sustainable product designs.

In addition to his work for Seventh Generation, Mr. Wolf served as the Co-Chair of the Research, Technology, and Regulatory Committee of the American Cleaning Institute (2015-2018), and has served as the Vice Chair and Chair of the Sustainability Committee (2010-2015), and as the Vice Chair and Chair of the Strategic Advisory Committee (2007-2011).

Mr. Wolf was appointed a Fellow of the Aspen Institute, Environmental Forum in 2006, and received an EPA Region 1 Environmental Merit Award in 2011. In 2013 Mr. Wolf was appointed by the National Academy of Science to the Committee on Design and Evaluation of Safer Chemical Substitutions. In 2015 he won the Elva Walker Spillane Distinguished Service Award of the American Cleaning Institute, and in 2016 was appointed to the Working Group On Toxic Chemical Use In Vermont by the State’s Agency Of Natural Resources and to the State’s Chemicals of High Concern for Children Working Group by the Vermont Department of Health. In 2019 Mr. Wolf was recognized as one of nine Heroes with Impact by Unilever, Ltd. for his work on preserving the environment.

Mr. Wolf holds an M.A. in Chemistry from Yeshiva University (New York) and a B.S. in Chemistry from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Massachusetts).

Local Speaker – Alisha McCutcheon

Alisha McCutcheon Alisha McCutcheon has over 20 years of experience at WM dealing with the complex operations, safety, and environmental issues in the compost, solid waste, and recycling industries. Ms. McCutcheon has extensive knowledge of CDFA, NOP, CalRecycle, DTSC, SWRCB, CARB, and CalOSHA regulations.

Past Event: #11 Make Cities Incusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable

May 21, 2022

YouTube Video

Warren Wells, Director, Marin Bicycle Coalition

Slide Deck (not current)

SDG #10 Reduced Inequalities

Past Event: #10 Reduced Inequalities, March 19, 2022

YouTube Video

Xitlalli Luchega, Slide Deck (Marin County perspective)

Greta Herman, Juweria Mehtar, Slide Deck (United Nations and global perspective)

Past Event: #9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, January 15, 2022

YouTube Video

Chris Yalonis, Slide Deck (Marin County perspective)

Herb Behrstock, Slide Deck (United Nations and global perspective)

SDG #8 3D Cube with full text and development substituted for growth

Past Event: #8 Decent Work and Economic Development, November 13, 2021

YouTube Video

SDG 7 3D Cube Image

Past Event: #7 Affordable & Clean Energy, September 12, 2021

YouTube Video

Felicia Chavez, Slide Deck (global perspective)

Sebastian Conn, Slide Deck (MCE, state and local perspective)

3D SDG 6 Cube

Past Event: #6 Clean Water And Sanitation, July 10, 2021

YouTube Video

Jenny Rempel, Speaker

SDG Number 5 3D Image with all genders text addition

Past Event: #5 Gender Equality, May 15, 2021

YouTube Video

Pri Bertucci, Diversity BBox, Slide Deck

SDG #4 Quality Education 3D blocl

Past Event: #4 Quality Education, March 13, 2021

YouTube Video

Sasha Mizenin, Slide Deck

UN SDG #3 Good Health and Well-Being 3D image with Text

Past Event: #3 Good Health & Well-Being, January 9, 2021

YouTube Video

Paul Clarke, Slide Deck

Elaini Negussie, Slide Deck

UN SDG #2 Zero Hunger 3D image with Text

Past Event: #2 Zero Hunger, November 14, 2020

YouTube Video

Past Event: #1 No Poverty, September 12, 2020

YouTube Video